Dr. Mark Wangler |
Dr. Mark Wangler has been found guilty of Aggravated Murder in the death of his late wife, Kathy. Prosecutors alleged that Wangler waited until his wife was asleep, closed off all the air vents in the house except the one leading to her room, and introduced carbon monoxide into the heat duct leading to the vent where she was sleeping. In a frantic 911 call, Dr. Wangler told the operator that the carbon monoxide detector had gone off while he was sleeping and that his wife was having a "seizure".
Very little
actual evidence was presented at Wangler's trial. It seemed like more of a what "could have happened under the right set of circumstances" case presented by the State. The standards of evidence just weren't present in this trial. Wangler's new wife and son are crusading on his behalf, insisting on his innocence. Video Below:
As a side note, I've written Dr. Wangler a letter directed to his prison address and plan to post any response if and when I hear something back.
Wangler's new wife, Esther insists that in order to begin the process of appeal, she needs to be in possession of the court transcripts from the original trial. She claims that the lead case detective's wife is in charge of that duty, and that she's taking her sweet time in doing so. More as it becomes available.
Wangler's 911 Call